I own an assortment of ten CDs produced by Suzanne Jonas and have found each to be a valuable and effective healing tool.
- Janet Flynn, Tulsa, OK
I have purchased all of Dr Susan Jonas CD’s and listened to them and let my family and friends listen to them. Listening to Dr Jonas voice and CD’s has such a healing and calming effect that at time I felt I want to listen to them again and again and benefit from it each time.
- Bita Rahmanian, MPH, D. Hom., Knoxville TN
I have used two of the hemi-sync CD’s and my patients have remarked how relaxed and how something seemed a “little different” with this massage. I got into a discussion with them about the music and one stated how many colors she was seeing during the massage, and another remarked having some really clear thoughts at the end of the session. Thank you for recommending them.
- Maureen Bottiglieri, LMT, Valley Hospital Ridgewood NJ
From a School Nurse in NJ, Lillian Farrell, RN
I wanted to share stories with you.
~ I have a student who is having difficulties in life and school. I asked him to give me feedback on the first 2 tracks of the Mozart CD. Here is his response, "It helped me breathe easier, helps me to calm myself, helps me focus more on what I want to focus on and helps me remember my homework."
~ One of the teachers is using the ADHD CD in the special education classroom. One day a student said, "can you put that harp music on so I can do better on my test?"
~ I was able to keep a student in school with a migraine headache after playing The Miracle Chord. She said that the rest, water, and music helped.
~ The custodian came in for a blood pressure check. I had one of the CDs playing and he said, "you should have that music piped through the whole school."
Good Stuff!!
~ One of the teachers is using the ADHD CD in the special education classroom. One day a student said, "can you put that harp music on so I can do better on my test?" Lillian Farrell, RN school nurse, NJ
I am open to new ideas and when a friend told me about the frequency CD for Arthritis, I knew this would be something I would be willing to try. I have been dealing with severe arthritis in my body and,(taking three medications) for this condition, which I have been on for 10 years.After listening at night while I slept for 2 weeks, I decided to cut back on the MEDs to every other day, 2 weeks later as it seemed that I didn't hurt as I had when I went without my medication for 3 day's. On Sept 27th, I stopped my medications. I have been 17 days now without any medication at this time I know this is not a cure but I can function now without the MEDs. Before I could not have gone more than 3 days without them. - D. O'Connor, CA
Little Keaton was not crawling, walking, standing up, talking, or feeding herself at 17 months. Her mom had repeatedly told her Dr. about it, he finally sent her to a PT for an evaluation. She was told she had torticollis and therapy began. She was doing a little better and after 4 sessions the mom asked for a CD. We gave her the Autism Cd and after only 5 days, she began to crawl, stand up, feed herself and start saying words. It has been just over 3 weeks and the family just returned from a week at Disney where I was told how amazing Keaton was doing. They are still playing the Cd 2x a day and John's sleep Cd at night. Their entire house has gotten calmer, everyone is sleeping through the night and all is great. Kathleen Haydn, FL
Father Joseph O'Brian Executive Director of The St Therese Center for HIV Outreach in Las Vegas NV uses the Autism DVD in his classrooms. Watch a short video on the behavioral changes.
After 2 sessions/day for 2 days, Flint’s [age 5] mother reports he is more affectionate, sweeter, and talkative. Brittany McCarthy, AAST sound therapy student, TN
Suzanne is a wonderful speaker who holds your attention with the most interesting stories and information about her work. I have used one of her meditation CD’s [Blessings] and there is something in her voice that tells you she is at peace. So while listening, the listener receives that peace as she speaks. Suzanne can help anyone find that peace within themselves with the work that she does. -
Paula Perkins, Colon Hydrotherapist, Knoxville, TN
Bone Builder
I wanted to tell you how beneficial the CD on Bone Healing was for me after a pretty serious shoulder fracture. Despite all the caveats about questionable recovery of function, etc., my Ortho was ‘thrilled’ with the Xray results after 6 weeks. I have now been discharged from PT and have full function and zero pain. -Shirley Wladar
Dr Jonas has offered me sound therapy on two occasions, the first a bone healing CD [Bone Builder]following a bypass operation and recently a personalized CD for a pulled leg muscle for which I was already in physiotherapy. The bone therapy resulted in quicker healing of the breast bone and my cardiologist noted the healing was beyond recovery predictions for my age. With thanks, Karl Jost
Chakra Cleanse
I have told many people about you since meeting you . Your help when my godson's trisomy baby was flown from ALaska to Boston Childrens for emergency surgery was soooooooooo helpful 5 years ago. He is healthy and doing fine. The doctors and nurses were so impressed as he exceeded recovery rates that they had never seen. He had the baby sound system in his bassinette in NICU. [playing Chakra Cleanse] Joan Mikasha-Alexander RN HN-BC, Brattleboro VT
Chemotherapy Companion
I've only listened to the Chemotherapy CD. I find it deeply relaxing. I will say that referring to the chemo as "love potion" always makes me smile and takes me out of the moment a little, but that's okay. The CD is very, very good for reducing anxiety…Usually at some point in the therapy I am nearly asleep, but not quite…The headphones make all the difference. K. Haynes, Knoxville TN 11/2021
Crohn's Disease
My daughter, Laurie, is in another flare-up of Crohn’s Disease. She has used the Crohn’s CD on the sound table once since she arrived here from Key West. Since playing Crohn’s frequencies, she is improving and will continue the CD on the sound table. Linda Metzger, LMT. Ft. Lauderdale, FL
Deep Relaxation
We at Cancer Treatment Centers of America, Zion Il, completed a research study in 2019 that utilized Healing Sounds,provided by your Deep Relaxation CD.
The Healing Sounds Study: A Randomized Study to Observe the Physical and Psychological Effects of Listening to Sound Recordings Incorporating Music, Binaural Beats and Guided Imagery on Patients Undergoing Breast Surgery
We had a control group that listened to the tracks only during surgery and the recovery phase and an experimental group that listened to the tracks 5 – 14 days prior to their scheduled surgical date. They all completed the State Anxiety Inventory Survey at 5 different points in their surgical journey. Once all data was collected from 60 participants it was sent to our statistician that mathematically found that the experimental group had a statistically significant result for decreased anxiety! Since we had a great result from this study we are hoping to integrate this user friendly intervention into our holistic approach to patient care.
Elizabeth Hostetler, RN
Detox Assistant
I ordered this CD for my sister in law who is in ICU on life support in Albuquerque,NM with complications from cirrhosis. She also has pneumonia from being on a ventilator and doctors are worried she wont be able to fight it as effectively because of her liver condition. I’ve convinced my brother to try the cd ... She is only 34 years old and I am hoping she improves quickly.
She wrote almost 4 weeks later: ...My brother had kind of a hard time convincing the hospital staff to let him play it initially. On Thursday January 30, the doctor told my brother that he should prepare for the worst because he didn't think she would survive long enough to make it to the transplant list. Friday February 1, he brought the CD in and played it anyway.
I'm happy to report that not only has she pulled a complete 180 and was discharged from the hospital 1 week ago, she has her faculties about her, rode a therapy bike today, and even walked with parallel bars too!
THE ONLY THING THAT CHANGED WAS PLAYING THE DETOX CD. 3 weeks of consistent listening and the transformation is incredible.
. KF, Detroit MI
In the course of two months I was in the emergency room twice and also hospitalized for 4 days. I had almost every test you can think of and still no firm diagnosis…pills did not solve the problem…The very first day with the Digestion CD I started to notice that I was feeling better, not as uncomfortable after I ate…Now back to normal, its very interesting to me because it happened very quickly. Now I just listen to the CD in my car while I am driving a few minutes a day…It really is amazing. - Jeanne, CA/Atlanta
Etheric Sweep
When I come in from work my shoulders ache so, I put on Etheric Sweep. I feel release in my muscles immediately. It is like having a massage. Thank you!- F.L., Knoxville TN
I used to wake up with full-blown panic attacks. When I use Etheric Sweep every night I don’t wake up with my usual anxieties. - Karen Brackett, Townsend TN
My son invited me to an Open House at Inner Harmony about a year ago because I have fibromyalgia. It was incredible. At the Open House I received a foot massage, essential oils, sound therapy and just an all around pleasant experience. I then attended Dr Jonas’ four week fibromyalgia class which had more in depth lessons on foot massage, nutrition, biofeedback and general relaxation techniques. Because of what I learned at Inner Harmony, I feel better. I use the Sound Therapy CD Fibromyalgia at least once a night to relax, along with lavender essential oils and other relaxation techniques. It was a fantastic experience and you will make new friends as well. - Brenda Clark, Maryville TN
I’ve had Fibromyalgia for about 20 years and have lived on a variety of meds. I have been using the Fibromyalgia CD for vibro acoustic devices played through the NexNeuro lounger for about a month. I use it every night and find that my brain fog has disappeared, I sleep soundly and wake up with no morning stiffness, my ankle DOES NOT throb during the night, NO hip pain at all, sciatica in the ankle and back/leg gone. I want to take better care of myself, my family and do things!! I’m much much happier!
- Linda Bender, Chicago IL
I feel the sounds [of the Fibromyalgia CD] entering my peripheral nerve system, and the other nerve systems of my body, external and internal... I feel the sounds moving through my organs, my blood, my tissue, my bones, my muscles, my nerves, my tendons. I feel the sounds start at the coccyx and move up the spinal chord to the brain. I don't have to ask if I'm "doing" it right, the sounds "do" me. -Sue Shapiro, Norwich CT
I just finished a Vibroacoustic treatment on myself using Fibromyalgia CD. So some reason I like this [CD] even [tho] I do not have any pain. I want to thank you for creating tis track. I enjoy using them and also my clients love the music you have made.
Zeba Parsi, PhD Owner,: Ziba's Spa Uxbridge ON
Knee Aid
I have used the Knee-Aid frequencies on the sound table for several patients including myself with great success and relief of knee pain. I had been moving some things around at work and twisted my knee. I played the Knee-Aid and within the hour the pain stopped. The pain has returned several times but I play the Knee-Aid and the pain stops.
- Linda Metzger, LMT. Ft. Lauderdale, FL
Lung Cancer
This is about my father, 70 years diagnosed with Stage IV lung cancer. He listened to the Lung Cancer CD 2x/day. Over the course of a month, from March to April 2018, there was significantly less use of breakthrough pain medication. He decreased from approximately 150 doses a day to 80. Over the next month, he decreased his as needed dilaudid doses to approximately 20. There was no change in weight. He reported improved quality of life as he was able to participate more fully in the activities he enjoyed and improved quality of sleep. Over ten months, he continued to use the CD and reported no increase in cancer pain or PRN medication use. Outside of being diagnosed with neuropathy as an effect of chemotherapy, no new symptoms or treatments were identified during the time of the study.
Nancy Rayos, RN, HN-BC
Lyme Aid
Your cds have been a Godsend to me in dealing with the emotional and sleep aspects of this illness. The last couple of weeks, I have started putting Lyme Aid on repeat and leaving it playing all night long as I sleep. Once or twice I noticed that after listening to it when I was noticeably depressed, I felt better and even felt some happy emotions. Annette Townsley, CT
Miracle Chord
I was able to keep a student in school with a migraine headache after playing The Miracle Chord. She said that the rest, water, and music helped. Lillian Farrell, RN school nurse, NJ
If I wake up early in the morning feeling stressed I go back to bed with the Miracle Chord cd on headphones and it calms me down and I'm ready for the day. Annette Townsley, CT
Josiah {20 months} was getting really impatient and whiny. It has been crazy to see the change in all of us since using the Miracle Chord ! Josiah has been asking to listen to the “nice music” when he starts to feel tired or overwhelmed during the day and his communication has soared! Brittany McCarthy, AAST sound therapy student, TN
Muscle Ease
Whenever I have lower back pain I put on Muscle Ease. Within 10 minutes the pain is easing away. I have also tried playing it as background in my office. I notice less tension building in my body. - Ellen Eikens, Amherst MA
I have a muscle movement disorder that I have been living with for over 35 years called Dystonia. This creates continuous muscle tension, acute spasms and pain throughout my body. I have been using Suzanne Jonas’s Muscle Ease CD, either through our Tactile Sound Table or with our Transducer Pillow, almost daily for the last nine months. It has brought wonderful relief to the muscle tension and pain, allowing me to move easier and get on with my day. It has been exceptionally beneficial during the gardening season.Thank you Suzanne!
-Deborah Deuel, Director, Inner Soulutions LLC, Hot Springs, Arkansas
I have purchased most of [her] frequency cds and wish there were more. I have had so much success in different areas using [the] frequencies. To begin with… Digestion is without doubt my fool proof remedy for any gastric distress. The first few times I got relief I attributed it to pure coincidence…I’m a born skeptic but am always willing to try new things. Well after using Digest aid countless times with sucess time after time I no longer doubt it’s effectiveness. I use it like other people use Pepto Bismol.I use the Oxygenizing frequencies before I exercise or when I’m just plain anxious and breathing improperly. I can feel my breathing slow down and get deeper.I love it. Muscle Ease and Spinal Ease have helped my dog tremendously. I use the cds via a vibroacoustic pillow and pump the sound into my dog’s body. He is so soothed by it.
-Joanne Figarola, R.N. Bethesda MD
Music to Mellow Your Mutt [and kids, and adults, and some cats!]
We thought that the “Mellow Your Mutt” CD reduced the kennel noise by 75%. The dogs really seemed to calm down when the music was played.
-Mark Steeley, DVM, Chilhowee Veterinary Clinic, Maryville TN 12/11
I put on your Mellow Mutt CD and behold: the two wild eight week old kitties stopped in their tracks and padded over to the speaker and sat and listened to your splendid music. -Bob Niederer, Rhode Island
I put on the CD [Mellow Mutt] for 2 anxious dogs and a cat and within 3 minutes all were laying down in front of the speakers calmly listening! Lori Schmied, Maryville TN
Our receptionist loves to play this CD every morning in our clinic. She says it calms her and the clients coming in.
Suzanne Jonas, Maryville TN
I’ve been pretty diligent about listening to the OsteoArthritis CD (I’m listening right now with headphones), and my pain[in my knee] is significantly reduced. The sound frequencies are not unpleasant and actually a bit hypnotic. I’ve found myself slipping into mediation during some listening sessions. I have good quality Audio-Technica headphones and have experimented with putting them on either side of my knee – which seems to work well.
Some people are skeptical when I mention sound therapy. But I’m a believer! R. Read, S. Deerfield MA
Oxygenizing (formerly Oxygenator)
My tones (Oxygenator CD) seem to really help me breath better. I wasn't aware that I wasn't breathing well until I am listening to these tones. J. Harper, Greenfield MA
I am LOVING the Oxygenator Cd and using it 2x daily. I've had some interesting, powerful dreams since using the CD at bedtime, plus sleeping more soundly and am experiencing much less anxiety.
I believe that the Oxygenator CD has been the single most effective aid in treating my symptoms of adrenal exhaustion. I know it is changing my brain and neuropathways. Janet Flynn, Tulsa OK
I use the Oxygenator before I exercise or when I'm just plain anxious and breathing improperly. I can feel my breathing slow down and get deeper. I love it. - Joanne Figarola, R.N. Bethesda MD
I had another absolutely incredible improvement today in my cardio from that O2 Frequency CD. I've been training for 4 months, just trying to go from a power walker to a runner. I've been doing cardio intervals of 1 minute run, 1 minute walk around a beautiful golf course near my home. The route is 2.5 km, so a little over a mile. I've only ever just done intervals and after 30 minutes I'm pooched and out of breath. Today I ran the whole route with only 4, 30 second rest stops. That is a quantum leap in cardio girlfriend!!!! Your gift is giving me exponentially expanding benefits!
- Gizelle River, Canada
A woman suffering from lymphoma on chemo was having major complications from the chemo. For sure the cancer is not killing her but the treatments are. Anyway she had just about given up because of breathing issues and infections from cancer "stuff". I sent the Oxygenizing CD to her via people I met at the spa where I have the sound bed. They just played it in the air, not headphones and in 20 minutes her improvement changed everything. She was standing up and walking on her own without a walker.
I believe the Oxygenizing CD saved my husband’s life on Christmas Eve (2009). He has moderate to severe chronic lung disease. On oxygen. (5 bypass surgery in 06) Sat next to someone with a cigar. Got him home but could not get his oxygen back up or his heart rate stabilized. put him on Nexneuro sound lounge with your Oxygenizing CD and he's been great.
I could see the difference in my husband last night. He has never been able to relax unless he was asleep. Not even to put his feet up or sit in a recliner. Last night his body was not in "the pounce position" for the first time ever. Amazing. Also his oxygen level is at an all time high using your Oxygenizing CD. I think the other programs also contribute to that though. No way to tell now because he has been using both. (PTSD & Oxygenizing)
Regina Murphy, Las Vegas NV
Parkinson's Premium
In late April 2016 I received a call from Bumper in FL saying he had ordered my Parkinson’s Music CD and had not noticed any changes in his list of 11 symptoms that he tracks on a daily basis. Something told me to make up another program for him and just send it. He has a Vibro acoustic chair and would be able to use it as much as directed.
Several weeks after I sent the CD, he called again wanting to know all about the frequencies, how did I make them, etc. He was so excited because of the results he got. He listened 2x/day in his chair and after each time he was now almost symptom free for 7 or so hours. No falling down, didn’t have to use his cane, no food falling into his lap, and his voice dropped, among other symptoms. After a bit more than a month, he is now listening just once a day to keep his symptoms either ‘gone’ or at a low 2 out of 11 symptoms. He says that the PD symptoms are elevated before starting, .and when he finishes the session they are all gone, for (8) to (24 hrs.) Additionally, he falls asleep during the last 6 or so minutes of the session and awakens 6-28 minutes after the tones have stopped, feeling refreshed, renewed, and with high energy. I can honestly say that I feel almost normal!!!
I have been listening twice a day now for 7 weeks. The water one [Parkinson's Premium] is the most useful one for me. My pain levels have dropped by 50%, my tightening of muscles has dropped by 60%. Catherina, U.K.
(Catherina has also been using personal frequencies)
The most profound result was when a client suffering from trauma due to sexual abuse and having upsetting nightmares waking her up at night in complete terror. After her first session with me I recommended for her to try the PTSD CD, the night terrors stopped. I am happy to have the sound therapy to enhance my sessions to support all clients searching for relief.
My personal experience:
My daughter who was sexually abused at 3yrs old was having night terrors. We used the PTSD CD which the dreaded sleepless nights stopped. My daughter is 21 years old and has just had her first baby which at a early age she was told she may never bare children.
-Gina Baker, RMT, Craniosacral Theray, California
Since starting to frequently use the Peace CD, my sleep has significantly improved, my stress, anxiety, and feelings of being overwhelmed, panicky, and extremely sad have noticeably diminished, and my energy and stamina have greatly increased.
Sincerely, Annette Townsley, CT
From day one of listening to Resonance I have had powerful experiences. Initially, I felt my physical energy surge as if every cell was invigorated. I am more peaceful, calm and joyful. As I listen to Resonance daily, I find I become balanced and experience well-being. I am able to focus better and stay positive. I sleep peacefully and awake joyful. It has made such an impression that my husband has now been listening to Resonance and is experiencing similar results. It has been a transformation. Thank you!
Lorraine Santangelo BSN, RN 7/11
Respiratory Relief
I attended your workshop last fall (10/19) at St John Providence hospital and since I switched my daughter to the respiratory therapy cd, her asthma has dramatically improved! I'm so thank fun for you and your work:
KF, RN, HD-BC, Detroit MI
I have had flu symptoms coming on and been using the respiratory track.. which is awesome!!!
Listening to it twice a day has stopped by Aethsma attacks basically before they developed into actual coughing fits! 8/2021
Melinda Coles, Australia
Restful Sleep
Thank you for sending me a copy of the Sleep CD with your added frequencies. Finally got a chance to experience it a couple days ago. Woke up early and couldn’t go back to sleep, so got on the lounge [NexNeuro] and put on your CD...was very interesting - it quieted my mind and I went back to bed and slept for another 3 hours..felt totally at peace.
-Ed Bender, co producer of Restful Sleep and late owner of NexNeuro
I must say that I LOVE the sleep CD [Restful Sleep] ! Tried it last night for the first time and was asleep before the guided meditation ended. Woke up once to go to the restroom, started the CD again and immediately went back to sleep. I did not toss and turn all night like I usually do - in fact, I woke up in the same position I had gone to sleep with - amazing! Slept 8 hours and awoke feeling rested...I have tried to many different CDs over the years and this is the first one that actually works.
-Patti Goerdel, TX
Shoulder Repair
I used your Shoulder Repair CD, on my shoulder where I had rotator cuff problems. I played it through the gel pillow right onto the shoulder. My shoulder burned like crazy! But when I was done, there was no pain in the shoulder any more!!! I just love it!
Betty Kalister, Knoxville TN
So Chord
The day we tried it (So Chord CD) Lillie (dog) was very anxious, another dog and she were barking their heads off as was a cat in the cage above them.
A huge thunderstorm let loose which Lillie is terrified of and the hospital has a sky light over the pets which made lot's of scary noise. We put the So Chord CD on and in minutes the 3 pets couldn't keep their eyes open...they were drowsy...the vets were very surprised and started laughing with joy. It was great to witness.
Linda Blick, LCSW Ridgeway NJ Founding Board Member of Tails of Hope Foundation, Inc
Spinal Ease
I could hardly walk on Friday. I listened to Spinal Ease all weekend. By Monday I was just about ready to dance!
- Beth C., Loudon TN
I am Randy Widick residing in South Western Indiana. About a month and a half ago I received a special and powerful gift from a dear friend of mine Linda Rose of East Tennessee. At first glance I thought oh no not one of those boring CD's that Linda carries on about. The gift was one of your 'sound healing technique' CD's, Spinal Ease. I must be honest here; if it were up to me I would never have purchased or tried this method of healing on a simple CD. Linda is one of those loving and caring individuals who genuinely care's about her friends and their health, and for that reason alone I did as she instructed and listened to the CD Spinal Tap. The results were phenomenal!
Allow me to give you some back ground on my previous condition. I have had a nagging pain in my neck for years, which I decided was simply a part of the aging process and nothing could be done about it. Six months ago the pain became unbearable, coupled with, pain in my right shoulder, tingling is my right arm and numbness in the first two fingers and thumb of my right hand. Upon consulting my family doctor and submitting to an MRI of my neck, it was determined that I had two herniated disks in my neck. I sent several weeks in physical therapy twice a week with no relief. In fact, each time I went to therapy the pain grew worse for several days. I later went to a Neurosurgeon to discuss surgery. His news was not what I wanted hear. I also have lung disease from chemical exposure. The Neurosurgeon told me the disk problem was operable, but not on me because he was afraid I would not wake up from the anesthesia. The alternative was to live out my life in pain, tingling, and numbness, until things were so bad the risk of dieing would be worth the surgery. You can probably imagine the depression that overcame my emotional well-being. Thanks to Linda's' gift this all changed.
I began listening to the CD Spinal Ease, once or twice a day as time permitted. I didn't notice much of anything for about three days. After that I realized the pain and tingling in my arm weren't as frequent or severe. In about a week feeling was returning to my fingers. I'm not sure when the rest happened, but within three weeks I no longer had numbness in my fingers, the pain in my shoulder was gone, and the tingling in my arm was so infrequent I was totally amazed. By the fourth week I had no symptoms at all. I continued listening for one more week and have stopped. I forgot to mention the Neurosurgeon also told me I had arthritis in my neck. It has been weeks since listening to my powerful CD. I have noticed a very slight pain in my neck if I sit at my computer for a prolonged period of time. I think it is time to drop the CD in the player, don the head phones and listen again for a while.
I have not returned to my doctor for another MRI (I detest that machine). I don't see the need to waste any more money to find out my condition is much improved. My symptoms are gone, I feel great, and can move forward with my life again thanks to the marvelous gift from my dear friend Linda Rose and the Spinal Ease CD provided by Dr. Jonas.
Sincerely & in good health, Randy Widick 8/20/05
Just bought the Stress less tape, and I felt an immediate change. So much so, I want to have it with me at work and at home. Drove in the car with it on (not the best idea). It was one of the few times I stayed in the slow lane, and I totally didn't care that I wasn't speeding along. Wonderful. Gail Gordon, MFT
Don [brother] had a mild respiratory condition for 3 days before starting this CD , he has been great since. None of us have had any respiratory or other conditions since starting CD. My family friend in Norway has had no respiratory issues; shared she felt better, calmer listening to CD as she believed her immune system was in better shape. Barbara Rose, Knoxville TN
Michaela isn't currently using Virus [CD]. She did a lot in the beginning and said "I had a sore throat and felt the beginning of getting sick. I could tell the CD really helped. My sore throat went away, my sinus passages opened and I could breathe more clearly". Brittany McCarthy, AAST sound therapy student, TN 8/2021
Well Being
I love the Well-Being CD for myself and for my pregnant ladies. The first time I used the Well-Being, I had been tired and a little down. After using the CD on the sound table, I felt a sense of being uplifted and peaceful. I listen to music and CD’s all day but really noticed the sense of feeling well after the CD. One patient who is pregnant loves the CD and the feeling she has afterward.
Linda Metzger, LMT. Ft. Lauderdale, FL
There is absolutely no doubt in my mind that it was the Well Being CD that allowed me, after 35 years, to finally grieve the death of my father, whom I worshiped although he was never available because of alcoholism and his own "demons".
Patti Goerdel, TX