Enhancing Your Intuition
Saturday April 9, 2022 9:30-1:30pm
Inner Harmony Health Center Walland TN
Are you still guessing as to what vitamins/supplements to take or what therapy might be of benefit to you, or diet, etc?
Intuition - a sometimes subtle bit of information, sometimes a jolt out of the blue, sometimes a full revelation. But never something to be ignored! as it is always right. And, it can be accessed on purpose as opposed to waiting for the occasional insight.
The minds of those who are highly intuitive are shown to be more whole brain, using both hemispheres simultaneously to access information.
In this play shop we will:
Look at where intuition is from and several historical ways to access it.
Use a variety of tools like games, music, sound, hemi-sync to practice accessing a whole brain state
Learn how to use a pendulum to obtain quick answers from our SupraMind: Things like:
Do I need a B supplement? Is it beneficial for me to get acupuncture? Would it be best
to eat a non gluten diet? listen to Bone Builder? call Aunt Mary? Do yoga? and a million
other questions pertinent to you.
Leader: Suzanne Jonas, Ed.D., psychotherapist/sound therapist
Saturday April 9th, 9:30-1:30pm
Inner Harmony Health Center - Walland TN
$45 -
includes free binaural download to practice with before the play shop
A link will be sent to you after you register
Bring your own snacks - we will test whether they are good for you or not! Surprises are in store!
Bring your own pendulum. https://earthegy.com
If you are new to this, get a rose quartz orgone-faceted pendulum. I do have a few for sale.
QUESTIONS? email Suzanne